Australia’s leading prompt engineers

Many organisations understand the power of ChatGPT and other AI to transform the way they work. This includes the potential to produce documents – including emails, reports and other information – much faster than ever before.

Unfortunately for too many organisations, there’s a significant gap between what is and what could be.

After all, it’s easy to get ChatGPT and other AI to produce words; getting them to produce the right ones is much harder.

That’s where our prompt engineers come in.

What is prompt engineering? 

Prompt engineering is the science of giving AI the right information and instructions to produce the answers or outcomes you need. 

Done well, it can help you produce and replicate documents that are effective, consistent and well-written, in a fraction of the time it would usually take.

Why Choose Our Prompt Engineering Services?

Effective prompt engineering requires specific skills – and they’re the same skills our writing team possesses. 

It requires both logical and lateral thinking. It requires big-picture creativity and attention to detail. It requires curiosity and intuition, but also structured thinking and processes.

By using our prompt engineers – who are experienced writers and journalists – you’ll receive all of these skills and more, making sure your documents are as effective as possible, and you get all the advantages that AI can bring.

Whether you need assistance with ChatGPT or other AI, our tailored strategies ensure you get the right words every time.

Get in touch to discover how we can help your organisation

Who we work for

We provide content to some of Australia’s household names, as well as government, universities and dynamic smaller business.

Our specialties

We don’t try to be all things to all people. Instead, we focus on being the very best in these key segments.

Prompt engineering for financial services 

From PDSs to marketing campaigns, we can give you the inputs and prompts you need to revolutionise your organisation’s writing.

Prompt engineering for lawyers and law firms

Our Chief Prompt Engineering has past experience as a practising lawyer and can help your firm get the most out of AI when it comes to developing and creating the best AI-inspired content.

Prompt engineering for professional services firms

We work with some of Australia’s biggest names and can help your organisation create documents, marketing material and pitch responses using AI.

Prompt engineering for universities

We can help you do more for less when it comes to your writing, including annual reports, magazines and articles, donor marketing and more.

Prompt engineering for real estate

Whether you’re looking to attract more clients through prospecting or trying to make marketing more efficient, we can get AI working for you.


Ralph Grayden

Meet our Chief Prompt Engineer

Ralph Grayden is a professional writer and prompt engineer, and one of the world’s leading authorities on writing with artificial intelligence. 


Ralph specialises in taking complex and sophisticated ideas and concepts and turning them into simple, powerful language that resonates with a wider audience. This specialty makes him the perfect prompt engineer for ChatGPT. 

Despite AI being relatively new, Ralph has already taught hundreds of professionals around the world how to harness this powerful new technology for their writing. He has also published one of the first books on writing effectively with artificial intelligence.

Contact Ralph directly

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