Copywriting services for government

Our government copywriters understand the nuances of government, and have the knowledge and capacity to help agencies and departments connect with people – no matter how big the project.

We’re experts at taking complex language and turning it into simple, powerful language that resonates with a wider audience. We’re also experienced in website and content strategy, and mix our creativity with a healthy dose of rigour.

That’s why we’re routinely called on to help government agencies and departments deliver more in projects ranging from major websites to print advertising.

No matter whether you need 10 words or 1,000s, we can help you reach the very best outcomes.

How we’re different from other government copywriters

When it comes to delivering the best content and copywriting for government, we believe there are two sides of the coin. The first is being able to write effectively. The second is actually understanding the subject matter.

We pride ourselves on the breadth of our experience and our ability to analyse and comprehend even the most complex subject matter. We ask questions, do our research and connect the dots. That way, we can get to the bottom of what matters most, and what your audience needs to know. 

The result is that you’ll always deliver your message in a way that cuts through.

How we can help your government department or agency

Antelope Media’s team of specialist government copywriters, content writers and editors can help your organisation by giving you content people can't help but notice. Here are just some of the ways we can help.

Website content

We're experts in truning complex website content into simple, powerful words that connect with any audience

Digital copy

From a one-off email to a full digital campaign, our digital content will help you cut through

Brochures and flyers

We've helped government agencies reach new audiences with better words and more logical design

Reports and updates

From annual reports to updates, we'll help you deliver your message

Blogs and articles

Build trust and deliver your message through quality articles and blogs

Content strategy

We'll help you organise your words and content so that your message cuts through

Our thinking

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Emma Sorensen Antelope Media

Meet our Managing Editor

Emma’s philosophy is that people trust businesses that produce well-written, useful content. And, as a journalist and managing editor who began her career in book publishing, Emma knows a thing or two about quality content. Emma has a wealth of experience working across countries, continents and industries, and has the rigour and expertise to deliver the best content to government.

Our clients tell us they value Emma’s analytical and organisational ability, as well as the writing skills and creative ideas she brings to every project.

Contact Emma directly