Your annual report is a great marketing opportunity and should be a key part of your overall marketing strategy.
It will soon be that time of year again. So don’t leave your annual report until the last minute and do a rushed job. Treat it like you would any other form of marketing.
Of course, your report needs to work within strict regulatory and compliance parameters. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be yet another boring legal document. Far from it. Instead, it’s a great way to let people know about your achievements and where you’re headed. Investors get assurance their money is safe, as well as a detailed look at your vision for the future.
When you get it right the benefits aren’t just external. Your annual report also gives you a public platform for thanking the people who’ve contributed to your success over the past 12 months. So a well-thought out and well-written annual report can help build morale and keep your organisation focused.
Contact Emma Sorensen on to find out how Antelope Media’s team of writers can help your organisation make the most of this year’s annual report.